獻出你自己依然保有你自己,而你得活著,靠你自己的妙筆。 Give yourself away and still keep yourself,And you have to live, by your own skill.

拿無用時間來兌換永欠租期,讓內(nèi)心得到滋養(yǎng),別管外表堂皇。 To exchange useless time for perpetual arrears of rent,Nourish your heart, never mind your outward appearance.

生命的時間是短促的;但是即使生命隨著時鐘的指針飛馳,到了一小時就要宣告結(jié)束,要卑賤地消磨這段短時間卻也嫌太長。 The time of life is short;But even as life flies with the hands of a clock,At the end of the hour,This short time is too long to spend humbly.

美,和美的記憶都無人再提起:但提煉過的花,縱然和冬天抗衡,只失掉顏色,卻永遠吐著清芬。 The memory of beauty is no longer mentioned,But the refined flower, even against the winter,Only lost color, but always spit qingfen.

你的儀表屬于我的眼睛,而我的心占有你心里的愛情。 Your instrument belongs to my eyes,And my heart takes your love.

請學會去讀緘默的愛之情書,用眼睛來聽原屬于愛的妙術(shù)。 Learn to read silent love letters,Listen with your eyes to the magic that belongs to love.